Do you ever hear someone tell a story and realize that the significance of what they just told needs to be shared? That is exactly what happened in the case of this narrative. The date was 9/11/2001… a date that most everyone has some type of memory attached to it.  The author of this story was a police officer and with his permission I am going to retell his story.

He had worked the night shift prior to the catastrophic events that were playing out.  He was awakened to chaos a few hours after going to bed and was trying to get his “bearings”.  It all seemed surreal as if he were still dreaming and trying to wake up.  After about 2 cups of coffee and continuous news feeds, the magnitude of what was happening in the United States began to sink in.  As the hours and days continued he remained glued to the situation and watched much news.

During that time he saw an image of a man being carried by firefighters and police officers from the scene.  He did not know who it was but that image seared into his mind. At some point he saw this same image on the front of Time magazine.  It is the image that is posted here.

He was assigned to “foot patrol” in the projects on one particular night and ended up talking with a man that he saw frequently, both in and out of jail.  Just for conversation sake he was talking to this man about the picture on the front of the magazine.  Turned out the man in the ghetto was an artist and he drew a chalk picture which was a perfect resemblance of the magazine and presented it to the officer as a gift.  This was in 2002.

In 2007 this police officer found himself in a situation where he was lost and confused.  He needed help and did not know where to turn.  When he began talking to a friend about his situation the conversation somehow ended up turning to that chalk art drawing.  It is then when the God Shot occurred… the man he was talking with knew who was being carried in that pictureHis name was Father Mychal Judge.

There is a prayer that is attached to Father Judge which saved his life then and countless times since. 

Father Mychal’s Prayer

Lord, take me where You want me to go,

Let me meet who You want me to meet,

Tell me what You want me to say,

And keep me out of Your way.

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