Category: Health & Medicine
The Penny Carries an Incredible Message For Us
by Mary Margaret | Mar 10, 2019 | Health & Medicine | 1 |
While being caught up in unbelievable pain due to some very bad news about a family member humbling praying in a dark church with her husband a message from our creator is delivered in a way that sent shivers down her spine. A great God Shot experience showing that the Lord’s message can come in any shape or form.
Read MoreHope for New Lungs
by Mary Margaret | Feb 18, 2019 | Health & Medicine | 1 |
Sometimes when we are trying so hard to help someone or do the right thing in a given situation we feel lost as to the solution. Then out of the blue we are given just what we need. In this article Mary Margaret tries to find something to give hope to her friend with lung cancer. She meets a new friend who gives her something very special and personal to pass on to her friend.
Read MoreRockin’ The Wig
by Mary Margaret | Jan 20, 2019 | Health & Medicine | 0 |
I’m always amazed at when or where and how God will deliver a great God Shot. The come at the most unexpected times and places. I really thank him for this one.
Read MoreAlone in Bed When Miracle Happens
by Mary Margaret | Nov 12, 2018 | Health & Medicine | 1 |
It’s amazing how often hour Heavenly Father works when we aren’t looking and certain don’t expect it. The story of this little girl’s miraculous recovery shows that God’s Grace is truly a gift. I was told once by a woman whom I truly respected and looked up to for guidance that “God not leave you comfortless”. The proof is in this story…
Read MoreWhat Happened to the Chemo Burn?
by Mary Margaret | Jul 22, 2018 | Health & Medicine | 0 |
It was a cold day in February of 2015. The dark, dreary, cold type of day that is not uncommon in the Eastern United states during February. My 55 year old neighbor, who was also a prayer partner with me, was in the throes of cancer treatment. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer in the later months of 2014 and had been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Her physical well being, coupled with the time of year had basically left her home bound much of the time.
Read MoreThe Orange Butterfly
by Mary Margaret | Jun 17, 2018 | Health & Medicine, The Great Outdoors | 0 |
I said, “I know this is a crazy request because we’re on a beach, but I need an orange butterfly, because butterflies are Michelle’s favorite thing and orange is her favorite color.” I kept walking, and in a while I came upon a patch of glistening sand. Lying atop it was a little, open clamshell, one of those that when it remains connected to its other half it resembles the wings of a butterfly. I picked it up – it was orange.
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