
Category: The Great Outdoors

Gods Lesson within Hidden Branches

So many times we miss one of God’s greatest messages even when it’s right in front of us. This story is a great example of just that. We have our daily routines and don’t notice anything but what’s necessary to accomplish them. Here a brief glimpse of something special changed an entire day.

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The Divine in Nature

You may have noticed a cacophony of birdsong in the wee hours of the morning. Scientists call this the dawn chorus. Birds can sing at any time of day, but during the dawn chorus their songs are often louder, livelier, and more frequent. However, one day I noticed that as it got closer to the sun actually rising the singing was diminishing.  I also noted that the birds were setting on tree branches facing the sunrise.

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The Orange Butterfly

I said, “I know this is a crazy request because we’re on a beach, but I need an orange butterfly, because butterflies are Michelle’s favorite thing and orange is her favorite color.” I kept walking, and in a while I came upon a patch of glistening sand. Lying atop it was a little, open clamshell, one of those that when it remains connected to its other half it resembles the wings of a butterfly. I picked it up – it was orange.

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