
Author: Mary Margaret

What Happened to the Chemo Burn?

It was a cold day in February of 2015.  The dark, dreary, cold type of day that is not uncommon in the Eastern United states during February.  My 55 year old neighbor, who was also a prayer partner with me, was in the throes of cancer treatment.   She had been diagnosed with breast cancer in the later months of 2014 and had been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments.  Her physical well being, coupled with the time of year had basically left her home bound much of the time.

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Who Do You Serve? Something to Ponder

In the United States our little dollar bill is the least amount in our paper currency with a VERY BIG Message.  We also are little folk with a VERY BIG MESSAGE. Each time you look at the dollar bill may you remember!
For those of you who use a different currency; maybe you could take a look at yours and see where your God, the Universe, or Higher Power come into play. 

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The Visionary

It was September 1988 and it was one month prior to my 30th birthday.  I found myself on this particular day in a comprehensive medical doctor’s office with my 55 year old mother. The physician that we were visiting was certified as an endocrinologist, cardiologist, and psychologist in the city.  Many local physicians had been seen already with no real diagnosis; today was different because this was a specialist.  Hopefully, today and answer would be revealed.  People looked surprised when they found out that it was I, not my mother, who was the patient. The battery of normal questions ensued with nothing out of the ordinary including being a “social drinker”.

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Mary Margaret’s Big Coincidence

As we sat down to our meal he was sharing with me all the thoughts and feelings that he was having that day over certain issues.  I could tell he was agitated and fearful all at the same time.  He was talking fast and almost not making sense sometimes and obviously just not in a good mental spot.  As the meal was drawing to a close he was still not anymore calm than when our conversation had started.  The snow was lightly falling and I thought that possibly he really should not drive just yet.  I was quickly in my head and just asked for help for this man.  What happened next is what I consider to be a “God Shot”.

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The Orange Butterfly

I said, “I know this is a crazy request because we’re on a beach, but I need an orange butterfly, because butterflies are Michelle’s favorite thing and orange is her favorite color.” I kept walking, and in a while I came upon a patch of glistening sand. Lying atop it was a little, open clamshell, one of those that when it remains connected to its other half it resembles the wings of a butterfly. I picked it up – it was orange.

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Seashells Message from God

While I was walking down the beach in total disharmony my Creator laid the most inspiration message right at my feet. Needless to say my day changed so radically I couldn’t believe it happened. In fact, it led me to open the GodShots360 website. To this day, everytime I see this picture I’m completely blown away and reminded how much God does to help me through the rough times, whether I notice or not. I think you’ll really enjoy this story.

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