
Messages from the Almighty Heard Around the World

Most Recent God Shot Experience

Gods Lesson within Hidden Branches

So many times we miss one of God’s greatest messages even when it’s right in front of us. This story is a great example of just that. We have our daily routines and don’t notice anything but what’s necessary to accomplish them. Here a brief glimpse of something special changed an entire day.

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from the heavens comes the light

There seem to be many definitions of a "God Shot". They come as what some say are coincidences, messages from others or sometimes an intuitive thought that had a great impact on us. I live on what I believe is a spiritual path doing my best to keep connected to my Higher Power every day. I've experienced many a God Shot since moving to a more spiritual lifestyle.  Here at God Shots 360 you will read about many different types of God Shot experiences. Hopefully you will find something here to share with others and at the same time consider sharing your own experiences in receiving messages from Him. You can submit your God Shot experiences simply by using the Submission Form. Please feel free to comment on stories and/or rate them.

Who Is Mary Margaret?

mary margaret god shots pastorSo you might ask how this name came into existence.  It began as a “barbed” joke due to my continual attitude of knowing everything as well as acting slightly better than others. I never would have said those things about me…but I guess we are always the last to see the real us! There was one particular day when I was in a meeting, hands folded, listening intently to the speaker, and giving off side glances to a man that was playing around on his cell phone.  Obviously, my actions did not give him the warm fuzzies. When he looked at me and said “quit acting like Mary Margaret” and contorted his face in such a way to achieve the look of superiority it stung slightly.
Although I laughed it off this possibly was no laughing matter.  I had a moment of clarity in realizing that maybe….just maybe…. I acted entitled and better than. Was that really who I wanted to be?  The answer was no; I truly wanted to be of service to folks and be kind and humble.  The name stuck and I have learned to embrace it and remember to be humble and kind when I hear it.                Feel free to contact me anytime using my Contact Form.

Don't miss Mary Margaret's Video. Watch it now!

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God, I Want to See the Lion

While spending some time with my granddaughter she noticed the screensaver on my phone and wanted to know about the lion, lamb and dove. I took a few minutes to explain them to her and then we happened into a church where I told here when she prayed she could ask for anything. Boy was I surprised by her request of God and absolutely shocked when it was answered a moment or so later!

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The LORD Told Me to Go Home!

Out of nowhere came the words "Go Home!". I kept hearing them over and over again until I packed a quick bag and headed for my parent's house. Thank GOD I did. The LORD wanted me there for a reason that day and it's a day that will live with me forever. Sometimes haunting me, sometimes soothing me.

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Alcoholic / Addict Finds Courage to Change

Many find solace in drugs & alcohol when we have no other source of strength to deal with life. Often we wind up in jail. This young man found the courage & inspiration to change under just such circumstances and turned his life around. His story shows with Our Father's guidance change is possible. An inspiring story.

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Is Belief in God Compatible with Quantum Physics?

It seems so many of the scientific community don't believe in God yet the opposite seems to be true for the spiritual / religious community. Very few religions are against science, particularly the medical field, though a few are. This article should really get you thinking of where you stand on this and I'd love to see some discussion on the topic.

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The Dream Message

How do dreams work?  I do not know and I am certainly not an expert of “dreamology”.  However, I learned at that moment that dreams can certainly bring us God shots. The Bible contains many scriptures regarding dreams.  One of my favorites is regarding Joseph when “An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you…” (Matthew 2:13) Have you ever had a dream that brought you guidance?  Hope? Inspiration? Instruction?  If you have I would love to hear about it.  I hope that you will take the time and share and help open a dialog around the world!

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